7th Annual Rosie Run 5K


June 8, 2024    
8:30 am - 11:00 am


America the Beautiful Park
126 Cimino Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903
Map Unavailable

Program:  Join us for our 7th Annual Rosie Run 5K event to help support women in construction! Come run, jog, or walk this 5K course. This is a family and pet friendly event. We will have vendor booths, a live DJ, a food truck, and a silent auction. Proceeds from the Rosie Run event go directly to the Katie Trapp Conference Fund to help our local chapter members attend regional and national conferences to learn about the latest trends and cutting edge-technologies, professional and personal development, and networking with professionals from all over the country for the construction industry. These conferences also give our members the opportunity to learn how other chapters operate allowing them to bring ideas back to their chapter to better their own events and members.

For more details on the race, to sign  up for a vendor booth, or to become a sponsor, visit our Rosie Run Page on our chapter website.

RSVP: Please register on our race registration page HERE.

NAWIC Pikes Peak Chapter 356