
Chapter Awards and Nomination Forms

Chapter awards are given at our Installation Ceremony held in September. All nominations for chapter awards are to be completed each year through an anonymous Microsoft Forms submission, sent out by the current chapter president. 

2024 Award Recipients

Chapter Lifetime Achievement Award – Angelique Kalio, CIT

JourneyWoman of the Year Award – Ashley Stoever

Apprentice Member of the Year Award – Lisa Gardunio


Corporate Sponsor of the Year Award – Pyramid Construction

Spirit Award

The NAWIC Spirit Award recognizes the contributions of a chapter member for her participation in chapter activities, as well as the positive character attributes that she brings to everything she does.

2024 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Congratulations to Pikes Peak Chapter 356 member Karla Greeley on being awarded the 2024 Spirit Award.  The award was presented by President Kristen Ibarra, CDT at the September Board Installation and Awards Ceremony.

2023 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Jessica O’Connell
Presented  by Kristen Ibarra, CDT

2022 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Grace Houston
Presented  by Kristen Ibarra, CDT

2021 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Christina Townsend
Presented  by Kristen Ibarra, CDT

2020 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Staci Calderon
Presented by Valerie Bates

2019 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Samantha Walter
Presented by Ally Jencson

2018 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Ally Jencson
Presented by Berni Mount

2017 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Kristen Ibarra
Presented by Berni Mount

2016 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Valerie Bates
Presented by Karen Mitchell, CBT, CIT

2015 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Angelique Kallio, CIT
Presented by Berni Mount

2013 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Victoria Bartz
Presented by Karen Mitchell, CBT, CIT

2012 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Carolyn Cummings
Presented by Karen Mitchell, CBT, CIT

2011 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Cyndi Wheatley
Presented by Linda Champlin-Frank, CBT, CIT

2010 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Linda Champlin-Frank, CBT, CIT
Presented by Karen Mitchell, CBT, CIT

2009 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Karen Mitchell, CBT, CIT
Presented by Katie Trapp

2008 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Wendy Hibbert, CIT
Presented by Dodi Walch, CCA, CDT, CIT

2007 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Dodi, Walch, CCA, CDT, CIT
Presented by Diane Watson, CCA, CIT

2006 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Diane Watson, CCA, CIT
Presented by Linda Champlin-Frank

2005 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Angelique Kallio, CIT
Presented by Kate Muniz, CCA, CIT

2004 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Kate Muniz, CCA, CIT
Presented by Katie Trapp

2003 NAWIC Spirit Award Recipient:

Katie Trapp
Presented by Cathy Andrew

2002 NAWIC Spirit Award Inaugural Recipient:

Cathy Andrew
Presented by Dodi Walch, CIT, CDS

Spirit Award Committee Guidelines


In the fall of 2002, on the way to Annual Fall Planning in El Paso, three members of Chapter 356, Dodi Walch, Connie Stevenson and Diane (Watson) Zink, felt the need to recognize a special member of the chapter, and any future outstanding member, for her unique, and previously unrecognized contributions and kind spirit.  The idea of a special award – the NAWIC Spirit Award – was born.


The Spirit Award Committee shall consist of the President and the previous two recipients of the NAWIC Spirit Award.  The committee shall elect its own chairperson.


Anyone who has been a member of NAWIC Chapter 356 in good standing for at least one year (includes all member categories).  Past recipients must wait two years before being eligible for another award.  If a member of the committee is nominated and more than one nomination is received, a secret ballot will be taken to determine the winner.


Forms shall be made available to the General Membership for input to the committee.  Forms are due no later than August 1st of each year.

The committee shall decide on the recipient of the award no later than September 1st, and shall be responsible for ordering the award.  No committee deliberations shall be discussed outside the committee meetings and the name of the recipient shall remain known only to the committee until the award presentation. The award will be presented at the September General Membership Meeting.
The committee shall review the forms and committee guidelines every year and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for changes needed.

NAWIC Pikes Peak Chapter 356